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국제>Global Metro

[Global Korea] Shin Dong Joo, Confident of Winning General Meeting of Stockholders Deciding Rights

Shin Dong Joo, Confident of Winning General Meeting of Stockholders Deciding Rights

Shin Dong Joo, former Lotte holdings Vice President stated on the July 30th at the Press conference that he will go against his brother Shin dong Bin, Lotte group President face to face.

Former President Shin stated that even if former President Shin has only 2% of the voting right, but if he adds the employee supporters rights, he will have a total of two thirds of the right. Shin Dong Joo stated that Shin Dong Bin's voting rights including the rights of Lotte holdings or Gwang Woon company is less than his.

Former president Shin emphasized that the down-sizing of Lotte holdings board members which was thought to be under former Presidint Shin's order was actually done by Shin Gyuk Ho general President.

Lotte group has taken an official stance on this matter and stated that this is apart from the truth.

As Shin Dong Bin and Shin Dong Joo's battle to win the majority's vote of the general share holders is becoming mroe intense, both are puting their utmost effort and striving for victory./파고다어학원 영어회화 Chris Kim(김윤관) 강사

신동주, 롯데홀딩스 주총 의결권 확보 자신

신동주(62) 전 롯데홀딩스 부회장이 지난달 30일 일본 니혼게이자이 신문과 인터뷰를 통해 동생 신동빈(61) 롯데그룹 회장에 대한 맞대응을 예고했다.

신 전 부회장은 "내 의결권은 2%에 못 미치지만 직원 지주회 의결권 32%를 합지면 전체의 3분의 2가 된다. 신동빈의 의결권은 롯데홀딩스나 광윤사 모두 나보다 적다"고 강조했다.

신 전 회장은 자신의 주도하에 이뤄진 것으로 알려진 롯데홀딩스 이사진 해임이 신격호 롯데 총괄회장 지시에 따른 것임을 강조했다.

이에 대해 롯데그룹은 공식 입장을 내고 사실과 다르다며 부인했다.

신동주·동빈 형제간 분쟁이 롯데홀딩스 주주총회 표 대결 양상으로 확대되면서 양측은 표 확보에 총력전을 펼치고 있다.

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